February 16, 2023 0

Are Metal Straws Safe? Why Experts Say No!

Remember the big plastic straw discourse of 2018? Businesses and cities rushed to ban plastic straws due to environmental concerns, but disability advocates pushed back, calling out the practice as fundamentally ableist. In a 2018 article for Sprudge, RJ Joseph wrote, “according to disability rights advocates, banning disposable plastic straws, which were originally created as disability aides, presents unacceptable barriers for people with many disabilities.”

Then the pandemic hit. For now at least, here in 2021 plastic straws are still readily available, but their use is on the decline as large-scale businesses like Starbucks have switched to sippable lids for iced drinks. Plastic straw alternatives are hotter than ever, and according to Popular Science, the stainless steel metal straw is currently the most popular plastic straw alternativeBut are metal straws safe? The answer might shock (and disgust) you.

Appalling Impaling Episodes

While metal straws are durable and sturdy, their rigidness and size has been known to cause injury, and even death. 2.8 million metal straws were recalled by Starbucks in 2016 due to injury risk. A four-year-old child sustained serious injuries after running and drinking with a metal straw. A British woman suffered a traumatic brain injury after falling upon her metal straw, piercing her eye and ultimately killing her. It is advised that if using a metal straw, one shouldn’t use a lid, be in a car, walking, or in motion—and children shouldn’t use them at all.

Disgusting Build-Up

If the shocking risks of injury or death weren’t enough, how about the ick factor? Stainless steel metal straws are perfect vessels for mold and bacteria from food particles left behind—even after thorough rinsing. Metal straws mask what might be growing on the inside, and it’s advised that metal straws be soaked and scrubbed with a long brush. Dishwashers aren’t enough!

And who really wants to scrub their straws after every use ?  Oh, if only there was an environmentally friendly option?!   Haha, Pura Vida Bioplastics Straws


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Pura Vida Bioplastics = Real Certificates USDA BIO-BASED, TUV, BNQ, GREEN AMERICA Home Compostable – Breaks down 3-4 months without Chemicals

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