Compostable means: “materials which biodegrade in a composting process through the action of naturally occurring microorganisms and do so to a high extent within a specified timeframe. The associated biological processes during composting will yield C02, water, inorganic compounds and biomass which leaves no visible contaminants or toxic residue/substances.” This term is regulated by multiple standards, including EN Standard 13432, ASTM D6400, & ASTM 6868. Oftentimes, products labeled as compostable can only meet these criteria in an industrial composting facility. However, even products that meet compostability requirements do not always meet these requirements in practice. There’s been a recent movement to remove even certified compostable bio-based, fossil-fuel-based, and mixed materials from the few industrial composting facilities that accept them. Many get in trouble for Greenwashing (We’ll talk about that in the future). For products you can trust that are truly earth-friendly, visit Pura Vida Bioplastics!
The term “biodegradable” is used to describe plastics and materials able to degrade and break down into their individual molecules and biomass through the use of living micro-organisms. Some definitions include the term “partial” breakdown, as opposed to complete breakdown into molecules and biomass, so there is also the term “complete biodegradation”. Essentially, the term biodegradable is meaningless unless it is accompanied by a percent degradation under a specified timeframe and assurance that no toxic residue will remain. To note, even 90% biodegradation could result in the formation of thousands of microplastics.
The term “Degradable” refers to the material’s polymers that are partially or completely physically altered from environmental factors including light (photodegradation), heat (thermal degradation), chemical (including oxidation), moisture, and/or biological.
At Pura Vida Bioplastics, our products start to break down in as little as 30 – 90 days!
There is a lot of confusion about the terms like biodegradability and composability. It turns out these definitions can be more complicated than they seem – Join us over the next few posts, as we explore the definitions of bioplastics and related terms and put things in simple terms.
As always, join us at Pura Vida Bioplastics and learn about our amazing earth-friendly product!
Decomposing organic matter is the main cause of methane gas emissions from landfills, which are 34 times more potent than carbon dioxide.
Composting reduces the amount of waste directed to landfills or incinerators by transforming organic waste into useful fertilizer and other soil amendments, cutting the emissions of harmful greenhouse gasses that contribute to climate change.
Compost can help restore depleted soil, soil erosion, aid in restoring forests, wetlands, and other ecosystems that we rely on for food, medicine, and recreation.
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Demand sustainable energy, biodegradable products, and home compostable plastics!
Visit Pura Vida Bioplastics for our solution to single-use earth-friendly straws.
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