February 16, 2023 0

Do paper straws go soggy? Yes, paper straws get soggy before a drink is finished

Until recently, around 36.4 billion plastic straws were used per year in the European Union, according to data from Seas At Risk. Fortunately, several countries and areas around the world are starting to wake up to the environmental impact of plastic straws. The islands of Vanuatu and Seychelles were the first countries to outright ban plastic straws, and the EU is planning to take them out of circulation in 2021.

However, there have been some questions about the quality of plastic straw replacements – particularly when it comes to paper straws. And one key question is whether paper straws get soggy. As brands want to ensure a great user experience for consumers, this is a question that needs to be addressed.

Do paper straws go soggy? The short answer is yes, paper straws can get soggy before a drink is finished – but only if they’re manufactured poorly. The higher the quality of the paper, glue, and the straw’s structural design, the longer they’ll survive in liquid.

So, the issue of soggy paper straws is directly linked to production standards.

We work with leading global food and beverage brands. Our machines manufacture paper straws to the highest possible standards, using our unique spiraling and glue application technology to ensure 100% quality output. The resulting paper straws are strong, durable, and completely tasteless. 

What do Customers Think About Paper Straws?

Paper straws are widely acknowledged as one small part of the answer to plastic pollution, though there is a genuine concern about the durability of paper straws. In the UK, for example, there was a petition for McDonald’s to bring back plastic straws. Some of the consumers’ worries included:

  • “I can’t drink anything without getting paper in my mouth”
  • “End up throwing milkshake away because straw falls to pieces”
  • “Straw goes soggy in 2 sips”
  • “It’s so hard to get your flavor. All you can have is the straw flavor not the chocolate inside the cup.”

While we shouldn’t dismiss these very real consumer concerns, the petition didn’t reach the required 75,000 signatures to be debated. After all, 74% of consumers are happy to pay extra for sustainable packaging such as paper straws, and 67% of consumers consider themselves environmentally aware.

Paper straws are rapidly growing in popularity, despite the uncommon (yet high-profile) instances where paper straws have been politicized. This makes it even more important to educate consumers on the real advantages of paper straws, and it means the industry must work hard to ensure quality across the board so the products maintain a good consumer reputation for the long term.


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