Our plastics are higher than traditional fossil fuel derived plastics but are in line with other compostable products on the market. The difference is, we offer a better certified solution.
We have a page dedicated to credentials here.
Certifications ensure our customers that are products are indeed environmentally friendly. A breakdown of each certification is listed below.
USDA Certified Bio-based Product Certification: This certification means that consumers can be assured that the USDA and the Federal Government stand behind the accuracy of the bio-based ingredients as stated on our labels.
Bureau de Normalisation de Quebec: This certification comes from an accredited organization that looks for the utmost compliance with ethical practices regarding products, services, competence, processes, and management systems etc.
Ok Compost Industrial: This certification means that any product with the OK Compost Industrial label is guaranteed as biodegradable in an industrial composting plant. This applies to all components, inks and additives.
Ok Compost Home: This certification means that any product with the OK Compost Home label is guaranteed as biodegradable in a home composting environment. This applies to all components, inks and additives.
Ok Compost Marine: This certification means that any product with the OK Compost Marine label is guaranteed as biodegradable if it were to end up as marine debris. This applies to all components, inks and additives.
Green America Certified: Green America certified businesses adopt principles, policies and practices that improve the quality of life for their customers, employees, communities, and the planet.
Composting and Manufacturing Alliance Certification: This certification means that our product had been tested and proven compostable with competent and reliable scientific evidence that all the materials in the items will break down into, or otherwise become part of, usable compost in an appropriate composting facility in the United States of America.
We will always welcome discussions with industry members. Drop us a line.
It can be overwhelming. Give us a call, we love to chat. Pura Vida Bioplastics and clean environments are our passion!
We encourage you to reach out to the FTC and discuss what you have found.
Yes! Simply give us a call.